Show 2005

Norm's son brings in The Flag (27kb) Here we are ready...  (86kb) Set... (82kb) Go... (81kb) Here's our left side (34kb)
Here we all sre (66kb) VLQ (Very Larg Quartet) singing The Grand Strand Ladies Quartet Presenting the Here is the right side... (52kb)
The men relax before the show begins (60kb) Relax until Marty arrives! (52kb) and relax again! (44kb) Then we warm up (46kb) Presenting
and thier kind of fun! (46kb) Boy do we ever look nice in black and white (54kb) Here's the left side again! (33kb) We just love to harmonize (74kb) All of us and our guests join on stage... (61kb)
A couple of songs before we finish (69kb) Then we invite anyone who has ever been a barbershopper to join us for our final song (63kb) Then it's part time at our We had a great time... (38kb) Especially when the Ladies Quartet
Of course we also got into the act... (36kb) Here we are from the left side again (47kb) How about the Loose Change guys! (48kb) Where did everyone go?  Joan and Fred stand in for Rod to set up the camera (29kb) Carolina Dreamin do a mic test at Friday night's rehearsal (40kb)
Then the Grand Strand Harmony Chorus do their mic test Friday night (48kb) John, Flora, Bett Lou and Harry - supporters from Ontario... Thanks for the pictures Harry (59kb)      

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