"Carolinas District"
of the
Barbershop Harmony Society

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone.... It hasn't happened yet..... It wont happen 'til July First Twenty-ten.... Watch this countdown timer ...

You can be a part of the celebration - besides we can use your help - How about joining our celebration?

Come sing with us in Myrtle Beach South Carolina! But not on July 1st - that's when we give birth!

Our FIRST ever Convention is - October 28 to 31st, Twenty-ten... This year!

It is an extravaganza and you can be here. We're working on it right now. We'll have a new website right here at this address so save this in your favorites/bookmarks right now.

Soon as we're allowed to tell you what's planned we'll post it right here - so come back often and get yourself counted. Oh I forgot to tell you that we're counting you every time you open this page... Look below and see how many are visiting... Spread the word, get everyone to come see us and get counted.